Waterless Shower – An Innovative Cosmetic?

In our twitter feed I was alerted to this innovative Waterless Shower product. The product is said to contain germicides, biocides, moisturizers, and bioflavonoids, which kill germs and eliminate odor.

The blogger who wrote about the waterless shower wondered why anyone would want to reduce the amount of bathing that the world does.

Well, to me this is a great product idea for a few different reasons. First, it is addressing a problem that may not be noticeable right now but will be a significant issue in the future. Water wars are coming.

Second, this product is may be unique to the market. Sure, the technology might not be anything new but the idea of creating a complete shower substitute is. If this can keep people clean enough to be socially acceptable and cut down on the use of water, it sounds like a great idea.

Here’s the inventor’s discussion of why and how he developed the product.


What’s in it?

I’m not sure what technology is being used but he claims to have invented it by doing a Google search so it’s going to be standard technology. I just wonder why one of the bigger companies hadn’t invented this before. Perhaps they just didn’t see a market for it. And maybe it will never be more popular than something which is “good for camping”. Whenever you hear the phrase “it would be good for camping” to describe your cosmetic idea, that’s not good.

Un exemple d'innovation dans notre domaine. Comme quoi ce n'est pas forcément par la technologie que passe l'innovation.

A nice example example of innovation in our domain showing that innovation is not necessary given by technology.